Family Options is committed to full compliance with all standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) as they are introduced. In doing so, we affirm our commitment to providing quality services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines the policies, achievements and actions that Family Options has put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.
About Family Options
Family Options’ mission is to provide adults with disabilities positive, healthy residential and community living options that encourage and promote acceptance, inclusion, and participation and that respects and promotes the individualized needs and rights of each person, while nurturing and supporting their dreams choices and successful goals. Our service principles include: Accessibility, Participation, Independence, Accountability.
Family Options goals:
- To provide safe, supportive, care and services
- To ensure that a high standard of quality of care is maintained and all Ministry of Ontario and Agency Placement requirements are met throughout care
- To encourage and support each person to become as independent as possible and to experience personal achievements and success
- To ensure each person’s personal values, dignity and privacy is respected
- To promote inclusion in community schools, community activities and social groups
- To encourage and support positive use of recreational and leisure time
- To promote and support meaningful relationships
- To pursue a menu of feasible professional services, community supports and programs to ensure health and personal development
- To advocate for and educate others about the importance of integration and involvement
- To provide Individualized planning, promoting personal choices, opportunities and responsibility.
Statement of Commitment:
Family Options believes in working collectively with families, agencies, and facilities to help minimize the stress, barriers and challenges families, case managers and professionals can experience in their quest for the best care and services for individuals.
We specialize in assessing, meeting, and assisting each client in their individual treatment needs and goals while in our care, allowing us to meet, if not exceed the accessibility standards set out in the AODA within the areas of Residential Treatment Care and Supports, that we offer under the Ministry and provide to various agencies.
Family Options is committed to creating an environment that allows all people to access and utilize our supports and services, while abiding by the core principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA): dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity. This extends to employees, clients, and any other people with whom Family Options employees interact.
We are committed to preventing, reducing, and removing barriers to accessibility and responding to issues and complaints in a timely manner. It is our mission to meet the accessibility requirements under the AODA.
The Customer Service Accessibility Standard
The Customer Service Standard, the first standard under AODA was implemented by Family Options in 2011. Family Options uses reasonable efforts to ensure that its policies, practices, and procedures are consistent with the following principles:
- Services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
- The provision of services to persons with disabilities, and others, is integrated unless an alternate measure is necessary, whether temporarily or on a permanent basis.
- Persons with disabilities may use assistive devices and/or support persons in the access of goods or services.
- Persons with disabilities and their service animals are accommodated in all aspects of service provision unless the animal is otherwise excluded by law.
- Family Options employees, when communicating with a person with a disability, will do so in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.
Family Options has been in compliance with the Accessible Customer Service Regulation under AODA since 2011. The following measures have been implemented by Family Options:
- A member of management team, has been designated to present and/or revise practices or procedures. A policy review occurs annually.
- The Accessible Customer Service Policy is published in Policies & Procedures Manuals.
- Notice will be provided on the website, email, over the phone or in writing where applicable when a service disruption occurs and will be done quickly as possible if the disruption is unexpected.
- Training on AODA Customer Service has been provided and is given to every person who participates in developing the policy, practices and procedures and this includes every person who deals with the public on behalf of Family Options i.e. employees, management, and consultants.
- AODA Training, including Customer Service, is also part of mandatory onboarding for all new hires in Ontario.
- Completion of training of all employees is tracked and recorded.
- Comments relating to our programs and services with regard to customer service are welcomed and appreciated. A process has been established to encourage feedback regarding the way that Family Options provides goods and services to people with disabilities. The feedback process is posted on the website, and comments can also be made verbally, by e-mail, or in writing. All feedback will be directed to the email and phone provided.
- All feedback collected from clients, staff or the general public is reviewed and analyzed to identify potential gaps in customer services, and to ensure appropriate actions are taken.
- Report compliance on the Accessibility Compliance Reporting tool for Business website as required.
- All regulatory-related requests for accommodation and accessibility needs by the public and staff will be handled by the Human Resources Department of Family Options in accordance with the requirements set forth in AODA and its associated regulations and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Family Options has established a comprehensive policy, which can be viewed in our Policies & Procedures Manuals that specifically addresses accessibility and accommodation needs, or call 1-905-538-7746 or email us at
How to Contact Us About Accessibility
Should you have any questions or concerns about accessibility, please call us at 1-905-538-7746 or email